The Time is Now

time, change, mental health

The Year 2020

Do you remember towards the end of 2019 when everyone was ready for 2019 to end quickly and jumpstart 2020? As we now sit in the midst of 2020, people are again calling for this year to end quickly. It is understandable this year given all the deaths and illness, COVID-19, layoffs, politics, racism, natural disasters, changes in plans, and the list goes on and on. It has been a tough year! However, I fear that every year forward may be similarly filled with uneasiness.

As I take a step back to observe the world both near and far, I see so many recent moments of discontent, hatred, and hostility amongst people. Some people say there is more hurt, pain, and despair in this world now than ever before. This is especially prevalent online where people don’t think twice before directing their displeasure and bitterness towards others. My heart breaks at all the contention and disrespect that I hear and read about on a daily basis when we are already combating stressful events in our society.


I ponder the same 3 questions repeatedly…

  1. Why can’t people just be nice to one another?
  2. Why can’t people be accepting of others that are different from themselves?
  3. Why can’t people be open-minded to hearing others out or changing their own beliefs when new information is introduced?

Some may consider these questions naïve and that is okay. I chose to believe that our society can evolve. I see beautiful moments of support and acceptance to which I believe there can be more. I see people choosing empathy and I believe there can be more. I hear peoples’ willingness to listen and be open-minded and I believe there can be more.


I can no longer sit back and observe, but rather; I must take action in my own way. My vision is to create a community of support, to celebrate our differences with a willingness to listen. This community is also built on action – to learn and grow from our distress. As humans, it is inevitable we will experience pain and distress. If we try to avoid all discomfort in life, then we are not truly living a meaningful life. The goal is not to avoid discomfort, but rather learn to accept and overcome it. Learning this allows us to move from surviving to thriving. IT IS THROUGH THE PAIN THAT YOU GAIN STRENGTH.

Surviving vs. Thriving

My goal is to provide education to help you navigate both survival and thriving modes. Survival mode is an okay place to rest for a little bit. Most people likely experienced some periods this year where you just tried to survive day by day, one moment at a time. That is okay! It’s in survival mode that we must ramp up the self-care and self-compassion, giving yourself some grace to relax and recoup. But when you get that ‘second wind’ or a little breath, it’s time to kick up the energy into thriving mode. In this mode, we push. Push to be better and do better.

Reach out to me if you have a specific topic you would like me to discuss. The time is NOW!

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