Anxiety Solutions

mindset, mindset shift

5 Steps to Change Your Mindset

5 Steps to Change Your Mindset We all have this little voice inside our head. This little voice is oftentimes called our internal thoughts. That internal voice is constantly talking. Not only is it always talking, but it’s analyzing, judging, critiquing, and evaluating. It’s very opinionated. Our internal thoughts do not have an on/off switch; […]

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ruminating thoughts

3 Rules to Stop Ruminating Thoughts

3 Rules to Stop Ruminating Thoughts Do you ever struggle to get your internal thoughts to shut off? Sometimes that voice in our heads just keeps talking and talking with no end in sight. We call these ruminating thoughts. Not only are our internal thoughts constantly talking, but it is analyzing, judging, critiquing, and evaluating

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cognitive distortions, unhealthy thinking

Understanding Cognitive Distortions

Understanding Cognitive Distortions Cognitive distortions are unhealthy internal thoughts that distort reality. The problem? These internal thoughts negatively impact our emotions and behaviors.  Below is a list of the most common unhealthy thoughts.   1. All or Nothing Thinking 2. Overgeneralizing 3. Mental Filter 4. Disqualifying the Positive 5. Mind Reading 6. Fortune Telling 7.

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stress, Hermes Dodson law, eustress

How Stress can be Good for You

How Stress can be Good for You Stress is oftentimes viewed as bad. However, some level of stress can be good for you. Good stress can be a normal, healthy aspect of our lives. Healthy levels motivate us to perform well. It provides the energy needed to rise to a challenge. It can be incredibly

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stress, physiological system

How Stress Impacts Your Body

How Stress Impacts Your Body Stress is not just an emotion. It can impact your physiological system (aka internal system), physical body, behaviors, and emotions. Have you ever… We are breaking down some of the symptoms you may experience when stressed or anxious. As you read through the list, I encourage you to take note

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