Get started with creating a resilient framework against your anxiety. 

Download Your Free Workbook

It's time to take control over your anxiety.

Download your free workbook now!

Anxiety is not just an emotional response but involves physical and behavioral symptoms. Complete this workbook to help you build a better awareness of your anxiety symptoms so you can tackle the anxiety directly and stop letting it hold you back in life. 

anxiety symptoms

In this workbook you will learn:

*Anxiety 101: Why you experience anxiety and the breakdown of anxiety components


*The physical, behavioral, and emotional symptoms of anxiety (many will surprise you!)


*Identifying your specific anxiety symptoms and patterns to decrease your anxiety 

Hey There!

I'm Dr. Amy Strickman.

In my over 10 years of clinical psychology, I have come to realize there is a lack of understanding of anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is not just a feeling. Anxiety impacts your internal thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. It can involve a range of emotions. 


I have devoted my career towards helping others make lasting changes in their lives – let go of negative thinking, make better habits, and learn a better version of themselves. Change starts with awareness – awareness of symptoms, how anxiety impacts the internal system, and how to impacts outward behaviors. 


I have a doctoral degree in medical and clinical psychology and am a licensed clinical psychologist. Over the past decade, I have worked with countless patients with mental health difficulties and specialize in anxiety disorders and resiliency.